Employer hiring decisions, credit scores, and the Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta periodical publication “Partners in Community and Economic Development” (Vol. 18, No. 2, 2008) contains an article titled “New FICO Model Changes Approaches to Consumer Credit.”

Here is the initial email to the U.S. central bank:


To: Partners in Economic and Community Dvelopment, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta; Sibyl Slade, regional community development manager, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Subject: credit score, employers
Date:  2/12/09

You wrote, “The lack of a solid credit score typically influences the cost of credit, vehicle insurance rates, utility deposits and employer hiring decisions.”

See http://creditscoring.com/influence/government/employercreditscorebelievers.html .

Who is your source regarding credit score use by employers?

What is the name of an employer who uses credit scores?

 See the next email to the Federal Reserve.